Anyway, it wasn't until I saw the official trailer for the Veronica Mars movie that my interest was truly piqued enough to look back on the series. I really liked the trailer and thought that its combination of intrigue, sass and humor would be something up my alley, with a weekend with nothing new saved on my DVR and time to kill, I decided to see if I could start watching the show on Netflicks or my Amazon Prime Account. I was excited to see that all three seasons were available to watch for free on Amazon Prime Instant Videos, so I started watching it. It didn't take me long to get hooked and I am quickly on my way to adding Marshmallow to my list of fangirling fandoms. Because I don't tend to do things halfway when I find something that I am like, find interesting, and haven't seen before, I went a little overboard with watching the entire season and in less then a week I have worked my way through all of the episodes. I really like the the majority of the show except for how the main characters that I love are not in all of the shows, the lackluster endings of the third season (the season arc mysteries are wrapped up about three fourths of the way through the season and then nothing else really takes it place) and then the romantic debate of who Veronica should be with (I am for sure a part of the LoVe camp). 
Watching all of these episodes has just whetted my appetite more for the movie and wanting to find out how the movie incorporates all of the characters of the series, gives answers to the unanswered questions left hanging at the ending of the series, and see what kind of trouble Veronica can get herself in and out of in the movie. Watch the trailer here ). Since I have now been watching the series I know like watching the trailer more as I can see how they have brought back many characters from the series and know their relationship dynamics, but I am hoping that the movie will be what it was said to be by creator Rob Thomas, a movie that will be enjoyable for anyone who liked camp noir and hasn't seen the show will be able to understand enjoy but will also be filled with a large amount of Easter eggs for those Veronica Mars Fan.
I now have much higher expectations for the movie.
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