Transformers: Age of Extinction is a sort of restart of the Michael Bay Transformers movies but continues on the same timeline set up in the previous three, just with switching out Shia Lebeouf for Mark Wahlberg. Age of Extinction occurs five years after Dark of the Moon when the overall view of the Transformers are that they they are not wanted. If any alien technology is found it is suppose to be reported to the government and a CIA black ops team led by Harold Attinger, played by Kelsey Grammer, is hunting down and destroying all Transformers, both Autobot and Decepticon. Mark Walhberg plays Cade Yeager, a single father to Tessa, played by Nicola Peltz, who is a screw up inventor who buys junk. He ends up purchasing an old beat up truck which turns out to be Transformer Optimus Prime. When the government finds out that Cade has Optimus, Cade, Tessa, and Tessa's secret boyfriend Shane Dyson, played by Jack Reynor, go on the run, with the few remaining Autobots, trying to figure out who is helping the humans hunt down the Transformers and why. Lots of nonsense and big action sequences happen as it is discovered that Attinger is working with Lockdown, a outer space bounty hunter, to trade Optimus Prime for what is called a seed. A seed is a thing that goes off and turns everything in a close radius into the metal that makes Transformers. This metal is wanted by scientist Joshua Joyce, played by Stanley Tucci, to make their own human controlled Transformers . Can Cade and Optimus figure out what is happening and save the people/things they care about without the world being destroyed?
Like I said this movie is basically put together like the other late Transformer movies; it is too long, the battle sequences are stretched out way too long; the plot is convoluted and doesn't really fit together well; there are too many characters that we don't care about and weird things have to be added to give them something to do; you don't really care about any of the characters because you don't really understand much about them; the CGI graphics are really good and a lot of time has been spent on them; and overall the story doesn't go any where.
This movie is one that is basically just for the people who have liked the last two Transformer movies and younger boys. There is lot cool concept in the movie and it is expressed with really cool stuff (CGI, Dinobots, Battles and guns)
but there isnt really anything of value in it. The reason that I enjoyed this movie is because I tend to like these big budget action movies and as long as there isnt anything too anoying I enjoyed it and the best part of the movie for me Stanley Tucci. I found myself waiting for the parts where he was in the movie and the times that I laughed mainly revolved around him. He saved the movie for me and keep me interested in the characters and I think that the movie could have worked him in more and should have spent more time on his story line then the other stuff. I also like John Goodman voicing Hound.
For me this movie will fall into the same group as the last two Transformer movies, I don't regret seeing it but don't foresee myself watching it again.
My Rating: 1
Additional note: can we stop trying to make the robots faces look so human, it is just weird, it is okay for robot faces to look like robots.
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