Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Lucy (2014): Review

This weekend I went and saw the movie Lucy, which going into I was hoping would be entertaining because the previews had me intrigued.  I enjoyed many aspects of this movie but really is only for people who like a little of the more out there action movies or just care about some pretty cool action/fight sequences.
Lucy starts  Scarlet Johansson as a woman who is tricked to deliver a locked briefcase to Mr. Jang, played by Min-sik Choi.  She is forced into acting as a drug mule to run a new drug and ends up getting exposed to this drug in a huge dose.  This drug mucks with her biology and changes her brain so that it is working toward working at 100% capacity instead of the stated average human usage of 10%.  As she works to take down the drug ring and especially Mr. Jang, she seeks the advice of Professor Norman, played by Morgan Freeman.  Professor Norman is a leader in the theory of the what would happen in humans used more of their brain and how they would gain control of the world around them.

This movie was interesting but to me it was the pushing of this what would happen if we used 100% of our brain stuff that struggled to fit into the movie. I really liked the styling and cinematography of this movie.  The fight and action sequences where pretty cool and kept me entertained.  I liked that this movie was slightly different then the bigger budget action movies and had some grittiness to it.
The acting was good enough and although I tend to think that Scarlet Johansson is overrated she was fair in this movie and besides the blankness of her face at time was good as Lucy.  Morgan Freeman is definitely the one who is expected for being an explainer of the science the movie is based around I see exactly why he was chosen for his part.
To me it was the ending part of the movie that was the low point of the movie because it was the control of everything and why can she do certain things but not others that bothered me, but as it was just a ninety minute action movie it didn't drag on.
I would recommend this for people who like action movies as it was pretty standard in enjoyment, had a different-ish approach to the plot, and didn't overplay its hand and lose my interest.

My Rating: 2

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